Are you craving for simplicity yet get bored if things are not complex or colourful (enough)?

Are you quite or very structured and organized (from the outside) yet were called “all over the place” and felt inner chaos and lost in translation when juggling or trying to convey your vision, multiple ideas and definitions of concepts?
Have you been living with a very harsh inner critic – a reflection of your constant striving for excellence and high standards?
Hi, my name is Patricia. I’m a Swiss writer, teacher and mentor for analytical, bright and creative people like you. On this website I write about what I wish I had known or someone had taught me some 20 or 30 years ago: : what it really means to be “highly sensitive” and “gifted” as adults and how to use your unique strengths to flourish.

What motivates me to create this space is simple. I wish you to love yourself – all quirks and edges included. Click to read more about this.
The content I am eager to share has been living in my head for quite a long time.
For people like us, phases of overthinking and procrastinating (or rather keeping ourselves busy with research and procrastivity) regularly alter with flow and creativity that lead to massive productivity and output.
Is this you?
You are very knowledgeable yet at the same time very aware of how little you know, even in fields where you could call yourself an expert.
You are probably in the second half of your life. And even if there is still so much to learn you also know that you have so much to share.
The big question is how…

What if you could think – and believe (!) – that:
you are not weird or flawed – your mind (and body) just function differently from the vast majority.
you don’t have to be perfect nor a good girl to be loveable – and loved – bad habits you may have started to cultivate early on to “belong” and “appear normal”.
it’s high time now to love yourself for who you are which translates to accepting the “quirks” and “flaws” you used to hate yet that simply make you unique.

Did you know…
that attributes like
- a heightened perception,
- the love for the exact use of words (and urge to correct those who don’t share this passion and can’t see the joy in studying dictionaries),
- an insatiable thirst for learning and improving,
- a very strong sense of justice,
- (at times) roller-coaster rides of emotions, and
- extreme (sometimes exhausting) empathy as well as
- a need for precision
do make sense!
Because all the aspects above are correlated to something else… as I found out in 2015 (when I was 45).
It’s not easy to talk about “being gifted” and what it entails.
Other people do or may think that you are arrogant, a know-it-all and believe you are “something better”. Well, they are wrong.
Are you ready to flourish?
If this made you curious and you would love to
- stop hindering yourself to show up as the best version of yourself,
- stop dimming your light (aka intellectual capacities and creative power)
- and figure out how to flourish and do your best work instead…

As a Thank you, I’ll send three video interviews where I am talking with the two experts Willem Kuipers and Paula Prober about the concepts of Extra Intelligent Persons and Rainforest Minds: what characteristics they have, how you can spot them, and why they are prone to self-doubt, perfectionism and procrastination.
If you are polyglott…
Visit my other website in English where Patricia’s alter ego Patty Muffins blogged about finding out that she was a Gifted Adult, or another one in French – Sens et Sensibilité and in case you wonder, yes there is a pun and link with Jane Austen.
I do hold a SPACE to collaborate and co-create for a small number of not so ordinary women. Doors will open again in the second half of 2024.